SERIES 710.2 valve extension stems LupiAugusto are designed to assure the maximum operating safety and are built in carbon steel. The lower plate has special holes to be directly clamped on the hand-wheel of the valve. Valve extension stems are sandblasted at SA2.5 standard and finished with 75 μm inorganic zinc coating. Valve extension stems can be clamped to hand-wheels with a diameter from 150 to 1050 mm and their length can be chosen by the customer.
SERIE 711.2 valve extension stems with position indicator to be fitted on gate valves to see the position of the valve.
SERIES 719.1 post indicators Lupi Augusto can be used to operate on buried gate valves. They are built in special materials to operate -45C°/-49°F and on valves 6 meters under ground level. Materials are ductile iron for top cover, bronze for moving cursor and AISI316 for other mechanic parts. The position of the buried valve in shown by the indicator SHUT or OPEN. The lever can be locked to the stem to prevent unauthorized operations. Standard coating in epoxy.